Are you not satisfied with your current website company or your website hosting provider? and with poor customer support? Then transfer your website to our powerful web hosting server. We have different packages to fit your small websites to large scale hosting.
In order to Transfer your website we need to edit your DNS information from your domain control also we will need your hosting control panel user name and password to take your current website backup to upload to our new web hosting servers. When you transfer your website you will face 12 hours to maximum 24 hours downtime depending upon your domain registrars DNS propagation. Normally website transfer procedure will be done on weekends. We have separate web host geeks to take care of your hosting transfer on weekends.
Once if we finish your website transfer successfully we will provide your website hosting control panel user name and password. So that in future if you want to create your domain e-mail ids, delete any e-mail ids, reset any emails password, create FTP to upload if you have new content etc can do by yourself.
Contact us now to transfer your website from other hosting companies.
Reliable and fast
If your site is slow, your visitors will just find another site. The bottom line is we provide faster web hosting.
Our Process
Once your website transfer successfully done we will provide your website hosting control panel details.
Latest Technologies
We use Latest Technologies. Our ultra-reliable, high-performance hosting will help you succeed
Free Support
We love to help you. We will give you Free support for your business even after sales.